Archive for the meaningful stuff Category

happy new year!:)

Posted in meaningful stuff on January 2 ,2008 by jean07

i know this is late.but anyyway HAPPY NEW YEAR!

2+0+0+8=10 new year resolutions

  1. believe in myself
  2. do all homework and study for all tests
  3. learn to trust(the correct people)
  4. dont be so easily pissed,sad,depressed over little matters
  5. learn to accept whatever comes my way
  6. love everyone
  7. do and say everything from the bottom of my heart
  8. forget about the past,treasure the happy memories and all the people around me
  9. forgive easily
  10. be optimistic BE HAPPY


Posted in meaningful stuff on December 17 ,2007 by jean07

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can’t stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.