Archive for December, 2007

you are the reason…

Posted in feelings on December 26 ,2007 by jean07

i never know how i felt,
even if i knew,
i didnt know why.
i now have the answer–
i have been waiting for you…


eunice’s christmas party(con’t)

Posted in memories on December 26 ,2007 by jean07

more pictures from abah’s camera:

Β Photobucket





more to come soon:)


Posted in memories on December 26 ,2007 by jean07

thanks eunice for the wonderful party!had great fun and a fun time meeting up with 4e3 people:)

here are the pictures,kudos to elis’s camera:


Β Photobucket





more pictures to come:)


Posted in feelings, memories on December 24 ,2007 by jean07

looking back,i feel like a loser,a failure.i made a fuss on trivial things when many people out there are suffering more than me.i now realise that what i’ve been through wasn’t the darkest moments of my life.i still have more to go through than i know.i’m sorry i whined too much:)

but whatever it is,at least i’ve learned something,from all those nonsense and time-wasting whinings and least i know how to face a problem now if i am gonna go through the darkest moments of my life.

yeah,but anyway,thanks friends,i may not be a great friend,i may be a burden,i know you still love me.WAHAHAHA because i love you so,from the bottom of my heart and i mean it.2007 is not what i will call a great year but all those things that i learned have made this year a memorable one:)

some random pictures of my darlings:):

















whee finally done.merry xmas ppl!



Posted in feelings on December 20 ,2007 by jean07

:D–this means that the posts are original.hahaha.written by me:)

my greatest happiness now:when my parents talk to each other.when i meet up with old friends:)

my greatest sadness:when people around me(i know or dont know) pass away– e earth doesnt stop revolving just because someone passes away,so treasure life because dying will never solve all problems.suffering still goes on everywhere around the the best you can


no regrets:)

Posted in feelings on December 20 ,2007 by jean07

if i was given a chance to choose,
i would still choose my present life.
even though there were ups and downs,
i know i have no regrets.

when my life took the ‘down’ way,
even when my life was a miserable one,
even when i was hurt,
even i lost some things,
i know all these obstacles have made me stronger,
made me learn alot,
made me know who my true friends are,
made me treasure everything around me more than i used to,
made me appreciate more than ever.

when my life took a turn to the’up’ way,
i’ve grown up.
looking back,
even though there were complaints,whinings,hurt and pain,bad feelings,
there were no regrets.
because of what have happened,
the process made me a stronger person.
having learnt so much,
i now have a taste of what it means by real happiness.

never will i have regrets since all these started.i loved it.


a walk with me

Posted in feelings on December 19 ,2007 by jean07

when my life was a roller coaster,
you promised to be there,and you did.
you held on to me afraid that i will fall again.
you guided me out of the tunnel when i couldn’t see in the dark,
when i didn’t know which direction to go.

when i was tired,
you took a rest with me,lending me your shoulder to lean on.
you lend me a listening ear when you know i had so much to say.
you didn’t complain,you didn’t whine.
you just stayed on till i was ready again.

when i fell again,
you didn’t scold me,didn’t give up on me.
you made me make a promise,
but when i broke it,you were still patient with me.
you taught me new things,many lessons on how to treasure and appreciate.

when i finally stood up strong,
you told me you are proud of me.
i was touched and i know i couldn’t let you down anymore.
i made a decision to move on,to look forward,to look on the bright side.
so here i am,a totally different person!

thanks my dear friends for taking that walk with me…


my definition of true friends

Posted in feelings on December 17 ,2007 by jean07

a true friend,
is someone who really cares,
listens to whatever you have to say,
no matter what it is,
no matter how important it is.

a true friend,
is someone whom you can rely on,
knows how you feel,
no matter when,
no matter how busy they are.

a true friend,
is someone who will be there,
promises to stay,
no matter what,
no matter when.

a true friend,
is someone who wont break any promises,
tries their best to keep them,
no matter how small they are,
no matter what it is.

a true friend,
is someone who listens to your every word,
never interrupting you,
no matter how much,
no matter how nonsensical.

a true friend,
is someone who listens to every of your complaints,
comforting you,
no matter how irrelevant,
no matter how crappy.

a true friend,
is someone who calls you every now and then,
asking you ‘how are you’ telling you how much you mean to them,
no matter when,
no matter what.

a true friend,
is someone who volunteers to lend you a listening ear,
and a crying shoulder,
no matter how they feel themselves,
no matter when it is.

a true friend,
is someone who cannot be replaced,
even with a hundred people,
no matter how pretty,
no matter how sweet-talking…

because for true friends,
even when they dont speak much,
and that much i know,
i know its true.
not much talking to be done,bcos the heart does it all…

this is only my definition.nobody is perfect.hence,a true friend also has to know how to forgive.i’m not saying i’m a true friend to everyone out there,but i’ll try:)



Posted in meaningful stuff on December 17 ,2007 by jean07

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can’t stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.

things i’ve realised

Posted in feelings on December 14 ,2007 by jean07
  1. whenΒ my friends are happy,i too will feel happy even when deep down it hurts
  2. being alone is not really a bad thing but being lonely is.being alone is not the same as being lonely,because being alone allows you to think things through but being lonely makes you sad
  3. “sometimes there is no need to say anything.just having someone to sit beside you is good enough”–quoted
  4. “be strong cos your friends have been there for you but when they fall,they need you there to pull them up”–quoted(i now understand what it really means:))
  5. winning is not that important.listen to what others have to say because they may have better ideas
  6. you never know when your life will end,so treasure it
  7. happy moments dont come easy so make the best out of everything
  8. true friends dont come easy.its only when you come across with a problem,will you then know who your true friend(s) is/ treasure them cos if you lose them,it might be too late even if you realise how much they meant to you
